Thursday, 5 May 2011

jeepers creepers 3

NOOOOOO i have just read the plot of the new jeeper creepers and errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr , no that should be ERRRRRRRRRRRRR its so bad and will most likely be straight to dvd. The plot of my script is much better (  without sounding big headed ) and way more fresh. 1 thing they want to do is tell you who the creeper is where he came from ... but thats the biggest no no i think because you want the mystery you want to leave with questions .. not them all answered no ???? i will upload a review of my version on my youtube channel ... hope you like my imagination
I always bought comics when i was young ( and still do ) so when they started makes some into movies wow i was happy. Not all were great , daredevil , fantastic four but i think most were alot of fun and the next one at the big screen is THOR
IT WAS FUN  i give it 7/10 its got :       
   good action
   good story
   good casting
   great affects              and set up smoothly for the Avengers :)


It just hit me that i have less than 3 weeks to go before my 21k run in Sweden ... just 3 !!! I must gets some miles into my legs because running that far is no fun :( Last year me and Maria did it in 2h5m and 2h7m, this year i want to win it and all i have to do is shave 1h4m of last years time and that 1st place is mine :)
Before i met Maria i was never into running, always tried to look after myself but me i like to be strong. At one point i was 103 kilos and i think  could of carried a small 3 door car :) but i lost my speed and was to much weight for my back. So now i run every week and dont lift such heavy weight and my speed has come back , the funny things is im not that far from 103 ..... im 98 lol :)