Monday, 25 April 2011

on your marks ... get set ..... GO !!!

Today was park day ... which means me - good friends- sports ( balls ) - food and a girlfriend in the park all day :) we played football, americanfootball, tennis :( no tennis the courts were full all day boooo and basket ball. But the best part was when it was race time. 2 years ago when i was living in Sweden and my friends came over to stay for a long weekend. Me and Maria showed them around the little city we were living in and on the way home i wanted to race Leon, he is fast and plays football every week but i asked him because we ALWAYS compete ALWAYS want to beat each other at everything. BIG NO NO not only did he win but he ran backwards at one point. I am not the best loser but in my defence i was 7 stone heavier because i wanted to be the strongest man ( like hulk ) in the world so i was lifting heavy weights.
Now im lighter i wanted to see how close it would be if we ran now ..........
                                                                               I WON !!!
I didnt get to run backwards but i won !!! hahahaahah in your face ( in a nice way ) not the best loser but maybe little bad winner
how burnt or pale ... or both :)

peter, john, ME, jimbo
boys will be boys...

Easter burn

26 going on ... :) farmer tan

Friday, 22 April 2011

Little sun burnt little sore but was goood

Wow we finished i think 2 days worth of work in one day and as i write this i can see paint still on  my hands i can say it was crazy fun !!! spending a whole day with good friends and a table full of food ends in a movie in which we were all falling a sleep and coming home to a huge smile from my newly sun tanned girlfriend :)
Today im going to see the guy,who's garden we finished yesterday, because he is a wizard with computer and my laptop has a nasty virus ( damn you porn sites lol ) so he said he will try work his magic and fix it. Then me and another 2 friend are going golf :) only a pitch and putt but still fun ...... then .... SCREAM 4  baby !!! please be as good as the 1st almost like the 2nd nothing like the 3rd :)

Thursday, 21 April 2011

never get old :)
I am the luckiest guy in life for finding a girl like my Maria
The smallest dog in the world, and most snug


Its early and its sunny .. ish ... today me and 3 good friends and going to help out our 2 friends ( the searle brothers ) do there garden. It going to be hard work but with 5 big guys there was even talk we might not finsih today .... its not a huge garden so i was think ....WOW what do we have to do/build???
I will take photos of before and after so you can see but im looking forward to it :)
I love that kind of work and spending  a day with your friends in the sun and movie later with my Maria coming along the day looks good ...  and there will be FOOOOOD !!!!
I would never take money of a friend for doing them this kind of favour because thats what friends are for ( wow i sound like a hippy from the 70's :) peace and love lol ) but they feed you well :) and i eat 7 times a day without including snacks :)
No i must get ready before i have to head down there but 1st .... i will go and scare/ tickle Maria who is dreaming of the ocean or puppies :)
P.S i have the baby powder for my next youtube video mwahhhhhahahhahhahahah ( evil laugh )
This is fun and totally for free :) Normally when you see anything for free its not, there is some catch or you have to spend a little to get what ever fun sparkle you have seen but not this :)
So rules.... guess the correct score of the 6 games they give you and you will win £100,000 that it :)
but if you dont get all 6, the person who gets the highest number of correct scores over that weekend gets £5000 and this goes on throughout the barclays premier league and all your correct scores goes into a table and at the end the person with the most gets £20,000
Try if fun and its like doing the lottery at no cost :) it also makes games that you would have no interest in watching be more exciting  :)
Friday tomorrow which one to go and see ?

Ear fun

I got these for HOT TOPIC in L.A and have not seen anything like them in London :(
open a store here :)

                                                                     i want this :)

Wednesday, 20 April 2011


What a night and what a game between Arsenal and Tottenham! That was one of the best football matches i have ever seen which both teams gave their all. Arsenal really need a win to have any chance of winning the league but i knew after they drew with Blackburn that it will not be. There is no way a team will be champions with a back 4 they have but they have had a great season in my view and one of only 3 teams to beat Barcelona this season. But they must hold on to 2nd because Chelsea are a train in motion and gaining all the time.
Speaking of Barcelona ... i cant believe they lost ..... ok it is to a very good Real madrid side but i think size of squards came into play. Barcelona are without any doubt the best team i have ever seen but they have a tiny squard where as Madrid , well look they had Kaka, Adebayor, Benzema and Higuaín all on the bench. I am learning more and more about football and one of the things i have learnt is rotation is key and the weekends games Real have the luxury of fresh top players.

OOOOOO i cant wait for the semi final between the 2 spanish giants ....  before i thought it was Barcelona all the way .... now i think the Barca vs Real battle might come out with a few surprises.

Arsenal vs spurs

HUGE GAME ! arsenal need win to have any chance to win the league
                         tottenham need a win to get 4th
come on arsenal .... 2-1


The best camera i have ever played with ! its perfect for taking photos and even better for shooting videos for a ... youtube channel maybe lol.... birthday is coming up :)
                                                          HIPPO ....
                                                                          My goldfish :)


Great news !!!! There is a HUGE  M&M  store, the size of the titanic lol, opening in Leicester square very soon and i sent my cv to apply for any openings they have but no answer :( . But wait with that frown ..... i stopped to think.... will this store sell just candy ??? its 4 floors high ... thats 4 floors of millions of little pieces of heaven but there must be something other than this no ? So i started writing mini stories with red and yellow (above) as main characters in adventures :)
I contacted M&M in America if they would be willing to read what i have writen. I have contacted many large studios in regards to selling my movies scripts and not heard anything back but i had a feeling this would be different .... and it was !!!! well im running before i can walk but im crazy happy !!! I recieved an email from them this morning giving me a address and telephone number to contact a their UK base.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Getting my scripts read

OK so i have been writing movie scripts for a few years now ( 7 ) i have have learnt a lot. The biggest/hardest  thing about selling a script is getting your work read by someone in the industry. I always thought it would be easy because, well i guess like all writes , my movies are A MASTERPIECE and with so many bad movies being made mine should be snapped up.                         BOY WAS I WRONG       but i have a great idea ....

Wake up

finger points to the blue sky
' frappuccino '
Thats the 1st thing my girlfriend Maria did as soon as she open her newly woken eyes. Very sunny days means EVERYONE wants a frappuccino so thats means she has a very busy day in front of her. But thats not a bad thing because her day goes so quick when its busy :)